Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Get the dog and bone love!

This is a great parody of EF's Live the Language series. I love seeing great British slang as visuals.

What's the word?

The chief officer of an organization (as a corporation or institution) usually entrusted with the direction and administration of its policies


The leading figure in a small group of men of whom -- and of whom only -- it is positively known that immense numbers of their countrymen did not want any of them for President.

If that's an honor surely 'tis a greater
To have been a simple and undamned spectator. 
Behold in me a man of mark and note 
Whom no elector e'er denied a vote! --
An undiscredited, unhooted gent 
Who might, for all we know, be President By acclimation. 
Cheer, ye varlets, cheer -- 
I'm passing with a wide and open ear! 

Jonathan Fomry 


Monday, December 3, 2012

Beautiful Typography & with a good message

The girls

Who am I?

I’m an English teacher and BBA coordinator at Esade Business School in Barcelona.
I have two beautiful daughters, Noelia and Alicia, and I’m married to Thais, a passionate Spanish lawyer.
I’m a musician and love anything Edtech.